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Yes, you have thought about the options of being transgender or becoming the elusive, magical sexy shemale. She is a mythical creature that exists like the unicorn, only these dreams really can come true! Read on dear reader and we will explore the ways that you too can become the ultimate shemale.
You can go with the surgical route by getting breast augmentation surgery, obtaining prescriptions for estrogen and testosterone blockers and having vocal surgery. This is obviously a big step and not easily reversible.
Shemales will need breast implants because the prescribed hormones never grow enough breast tissue to be satisfying.
Breast implants need to be replaced approximately every ten years, this will get hard on your body as you age and require multiple surgeries that are expensive and also dangerous.
You can use a nonprescription hormone cream to enhance your breasts and pills that will convert your own testosterone into estrogen. This gives a very natural result that will grow your breasts and change the shape of your body. You can use the patented, Bountiful Breast Cream to add volume to your hips, thighs and buttocks.
If you are 100% positive that you are ready to be a shemale you can use a combination of some surgical techniques and naturally modifying the hormone balance in your body.
You are better off keeping your penis and testicles as this allows you to continue to have your own estrogen source once your body is forced into converting testosterone into estrogen. Having some facial surgery done to feminize your features and your voice is also a great addition into being a true, passable shemale.
Sexy Shemale retain their penis and testicles, this allows you to continue to have your own estrogen source once your body is forced into converting testosterone into estrogen. Keeping your penis and testicles is safer, less invasive, and healthier than removing a part of your endocrine system. Sexy Shemale are in hot demand, being desired by gay, straight and bi men. If you are a shemale, you are not competing against women who were born female. Being a shemale is unique and special!
Shemale Versus Transgender, What is the Difference?
Trans or transgender male to females feel their gender at birth is the opposite of their true gender. Some transgender people who use surgical medical intervention use the term transsexual. Some people use the term trans as third gender.
Shemales embrace having male genitalia and basically function as a third gender, being female but having male genitals with all other characteristics being female. Shemales fall into a special category of their own and are the object of many a man’s fantasy.