Contact Jules & The Team (Mobile Text Message & Whatsapp) 1-647-867-6180 (Canada)
Hello, my name is Terrania, I am a transgender woman from Europe, and I have been using Transfemme products for four years. I am finally happy with myself after many years of working on my body, and I have completed my transition!
A little about me, from the time I was a teenager, I knew I was different. I would imagine myself as a beautiful girl like my older sisters and try on their shoes and dresses and wear make up. I believe in past lives, and I think maybe we T-girls were women in our past lives, and this time we were born male, and it seems wrong because we know we are always female?
By the time I was twenty, I knew I wanted to be female, and I started researching everything I could find on transitioning.
I was on a long journey to womanhood, and there have been many ups and downs for me. Transitioning was a big step, and I did not have the support of my family, There were a lot of judgments against me. My family is very traditional and set in their old ways, I felt very sad and isolated for a long time because no one understood how I felt or why I knew I was trapped in the body I was born with.
What made the most difference for me in feminizing myself has been the Transfemme pills and Bountiful Breast Cream, and that’s why I gave my photos and testimonial. I went to a doctor years ago and used female hormones and testosterone blockers for one year, and there were some gains, but they were very small. I was told, “That would be it without breast implants.” I surfed around on message boards and saw there were other ladies who also used Transfemme and got amazing results, the photos speak for themselves.
I also saw some other companies promoting their businesses by trashing Transfemme, and that made me think, if these people spend their time attacking their competition, they must have a lot to be worried about? Obviously, Transfemme has been in business since 1996 and has the bulk of the market share that the newer companies are trying to steal. I think if you have a legitimate business, you spend your time working on your customers and business.
I received a lot of moral support from the ladies who work at Transfemme, they went above and beyond helping me when I was down. This had nothing to do with their job duties; they actually became my friends because no one has to spend hours in personal dialog with a customer, but they truly care about their customers, we are like a family.
The main difference I have seen using Transfemme pills and creams is female body fat distribution, bigger female breasts and areola and a soft, curvy all over body, my testosterone dropped and turned into estrogen. My skin also got softer too and I pass as being born female since I had vocal surgery done. Now I have a new life and new friends who accept me s the female I am and my old life is behind me
Valerie Noelle – 2019
My bra fitting guides: seeing as the only bras i have are double pushups, I will need to get new bras. With your advice, I can measure myself, get a new bra, and make a short blog post about tips and tricks from that experience. The same goes for clothing, possibly, considering my body is now even curvier than before.
My video blog: includes information about my daily transfemme program and the pills and shakes I take throughout the day.
I will be doing a boudoir shoot with makeup done by an artist I know to compare what was, to what could be.
My goal is when someone sees me, they instantly think of your pills and how dramatic the change can be.
I love what Transfemme is doing for me so far. The world should know there is no other alternative but to take Transfemme.
Jules has put together an effective program involving BB pills / Booster pills / and alternating one day with BB cream and the next with TF cream, and she has some really effective massaging techniques, among other tips she has shared with me that really do work!
So what are you all waiting for, Call Jules and love your new look!
Hi this is Shandra, I wanted to say I was proved wrong!
I thought these breast enhancers were all the same. After researching website after website, I finally chose this one.
If you notice (guys) how many other websites have male testimonials?? I originally began talking with Grace, she discussed that these pills were effective on males (which I am by the way). As every one else I was skeptical still, so I bought one months supply.
Well within one week I could feel some weird pains and feelings. My nips began to widen 1/4 inch, chest began to itch within first month!! I know, just imagining right?
Well, I decided one way to see my progress was to get a bra, I bought a 36 b bra. It was the right size (around (36) but the cups (yeah, right).
So…Today I am 2.5 months into my pills, and you know that bra, well, It’s not empty now. I know seeing is believing, so I have some pictures to prove it.
One nice thing besides the upper is the lower starting to round out, softer skin, and less frequent shaving!! I would recommend If you were discouraged with other natural enhancers, notice that this bottle says enhancement. TRY THIS one!!!
Liz and Jules are great to talk to. I’m not going to say how big I’ll get, but you will hear about it. I am enjoying my new glamorous and feminine self.
Transfemme is the way to go!
Good luck, and thank you!
Michelle – 2021 Update
I’m Michelle and I live in Pittsburgh PA.
I was very small when I first started out and miraculously I have grown very full breasts as you can see from my testimonial photos.
I have been on the BB/TF Program for 18 months now and in particular I really enjoy massaging my breasts with the BB Beautification cream, it goes on silky smooth and smells like roses. I follow Jules tips on the hydro-therapy massaging and exercising techniques that she does as well and it really helps to increase my breast size. It also has taken my breasts from the manly look I had for years and now more rounder and shapely. The Transfemme Program has also helped my nipples to point outwards. I’ve had little increase to my areola, but like Jules said we have to keep in mind this is a breast enlargement company and our BB program does just that, everything else we get is just a plus. Although many do see their areolas increase at some point; hopefully I will be one of them eventually.
I want everyone to know that the results have been much greater than I ever expected!
If you are seeking a very safe, reliable and high-end result in male-to-female Breast Enlargement, please contact Jules at Transfemme! Keep in mind she was also a customer years ago with good results.
Jules, the BB Advisor has advised and instructed me from Day One in my Transformation Process.
I am looking forward to continuing the Transfemme Program.
Again, I cannot say enough good things about the TF/BB Program, it’s just Awesome! I love my results and my new feminine body!
Take a look at my video on the Transfemme website.
Juliana – 2019
Dear Avalon Essentials and Julie,
I wish to thank you for being my advisor and for helping me in develop my boobs through your live support, your advise on Hydrotherapy-massaging techniques, Protein shake and many other tips through live support.
The wonderful thing in my case is I have achieved results while being on the BB/ Transfemme Program this started in just less than one months time. I love the TF and BB creams/Pills. I have been on the program for some 6 months now and love the way my breasts are developing and how my body is already starting to take a shape of a female. The BB program has been amazing for me.
My Breast shape is excellent and looks just like a woman’s breasts, I really enjoy it. This is a great feeling, thanks and all credit goes to Julie.
I have used many other products in past, but no success.
I had to stop applying BB cream on my buttocks, since they started growing fearfully faster than my expectations. I could start feeling the growth within just 4 days, just unbelievable. I am more than satisfied!
Just wish to share something more.
1. Daily Routine Procedure:
After applying cream, prior going to sleep, I spray little water inside Bra to keep it little wet and the results are amazing. While taking out bra in the morning, I see fully grown breasts and any little movement of my body it vibrates up and down, a great feeling.
2. Another awesome idea to enhance the process. (I should be rewarded for this idea)
Use of BB cream in an effective manner. Before going to bed at night, apply BB cream on your breast as usual and do casual massaging for warming up. Then cover the entire breast with a thick layer of BB cream (do not massage). Wear your full size bra and try to press your breast from either side in a way to get maximum portion of your breasts into bra. make your bra little wet with normal water.
Keep hot air massage bag over the breast and adjust the temperature to moderate and cover it with the blanket, leave it for one hour or preferably overnight. The hot air will gently heat the bra and subsequently the BB cream applied over your breast and this will react effectively with your skin throughout night.
In the morning when you get up, you will find that the entire bra is filled with firm breasts and you will see a considerable increase in your breast size, a firm fully grown breast with strong nipples. Do this experiment on daily basis for a week and enjoy a faster way to increase your breast size. I have done this experiment myself and would like to share with all the clients without any expectation or rewards.
Thanks a million to Julie and the TF estrogen cream and BB cream and pills! – These are magic product!.
Christina – 2021 Update
Iam a customer on the Transfemme Program and I would like to start off by saying, how amazing this is. When I took other breast enlargement and feminization supplements I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t getting the results I wanted? I got no results or extremely minimal results but not nearly what I am getting now using Transfemme.
I started searching the internet and doing intense research and came up with the site Transfemme. I called the number and spoke with a wonderful lady, Jules. Wow, Jules was so understanding and caring and listened while I shared my life story with her.
She helped answer all of my questions and told me how to get started and even helped me to stay in my budget. She really is an amazing lady to work with, take it from me I know.
I’m so happy to say the Transfemme products really have convinced me by 2000% that they are truly effective. Within my first 4 weeks I could already feel some tingling and soreness and sensitivity. I called Jules and told her and she said these are just signs that the TF Program is starting to work. After some 3 months I had already gained 1/2 cup size.
I could see Fuller, Firmer, Rounder and I even have a slight Lift to my breasts that I never had before. After some 6 months, I was even noticing that my hair was starting to grow. If you see my first video my hair was so short but it is really growing fast. Jules said something about the hair follicles. You can also see my “body” photo where it shows not only that I have gained some weight, but it really shows off my curves, my hips, butt, and thighs being larger.
I’ve never been so amazed by the BB Program. I can honestly say, at first, I never really thought that this would work, as I am sure you know we are all skeptic at first, seeing there are so many different products out there, but truly, this has been a blessing to me of what a wonderful program this has been and Jules helping me along with my progress and transformation.
Jules has been with me every step of the way and she still is. I’m not stopping the BB Program until I get to where I want to be. I’m just going to keep going and going and going.
I’m so blessed to have Transfemme as my family. Thank You for giving me the real woman I am today. I’m loving everything that’s been changing my looks.
What is so wonderful is that I can walk proudly down my street and people are noticing my new curves and even commenting. Thank you Transfemme, you’re truly a blessing that everyone should get started on.
What also is so wonderful is you bring us live support. I know there is no company that does this because I was on different products and did not get even one question answered. Most don’t even have an email and if they do they don’t bother to respond back.
Jules also has shared a lot of her own personal tips with me that have really proven to work for me, and others from what I have read. You won’t be sorry that you got started. Look at me. I’m proof!”
Alana – 2019
Istarted the program approx a month and a half ago. I started out just about completely flat and as you can see, I now have some growth. It is not much, however, I know that TransFemme is the product for me. You can really get results with this program. I am a biological male and i have tried other methods before and nothing has worked until now.
I have been speaking with Julie, who has helped make me feel so comfortable on the program. She really understands us T-girls. She is very supportive. I did try some herbal stuff from the Phoenix Project but did not have very good results.
If there is anything that I can do to help out you T-girls out there, I have provided my email address. However, please don’t expect me to reply back every day. I will do my best.
All the best!
Cliffy – April 2021
I’m Cliffy, and this is my truthful review on the Booster pills and Bountiful Breast cream.
I’m 78 years old and here’s my short review on how I went from an enlarged prostate and paranoia to a healthy 78-year-old.
Firstly, I read testimonials that many of you are taking the Booster pills (Godiva) mainly for boosting your progress with breast enlargement and or genitals shrinkage. I would like to keep my manhood, however, a little breast enlargement is okay. I will have photos of me showing my breast size now, nothing too large, just right where I want them to be.
You see when I first set out for my research I was looking for a natural product to balance my hormones (Estrogen and Testosterone) and reading on about Transfemme I thought this would be the perfect start. I also was hoping that balancing my hormones would help support my prostate as it was enlarged according to my Urologist and was quite worrisome. I just was not feeling well and even had to quit driving a truck as I just could not focus and I had extreme paranoia. Back in 2015, I called Transfemme and I got to speak with a lady Jules. She was very caring and helpful and said “Cliffy, we have a product that will balance your hormones, give healthy and stronger estrogen and perhaps even help support your prostate, but you may gain some breast enlargement in the process, would this be okay with you”?. I said “sure a little breast enlargement is okay as long as I don’t gain too much because that’s not really what I am looking for. I really just want to balance my hormones and reading on about the Booster pills it reads it does this.” Jules said, “you will be fine, you won’t gain too much breast enlargement as you would need to use our other products for optimum breast growth and by the way, we also had a customer, where his prostate was quite enlarged and fearful of prostate cancer, and after some 6 months of taking our Booster pills, his Urologist was amazed at how quickly his prostate was shrinking in size. I said “Sure, Jules I am fine with a little breast enlargement and the Booster pills are exactly what I am looking for to get started.
I ordered a few bottles as there was no way that I was going to start and take Testosterone boosters to shrink my prostate as my doctor recommended. There were just too many side effects of the drug. Well, I started to take the Booster pills (Godiva). I took 1 at 3 pm and 1 at 8 pm and slowly Jules increased me to take 2 at 3 pm and 2 at 8 pm. I also use the BB cream on my skin and not my breasts because it really helps to keep the skin soft and even helps with wrinkles for the face as Jules says she uses it on her face and other areas for wrinkles.
NO way! I could not believe it, within about 3 months time my overall wellness is getting better, I can focus, I have self-control, I drive again, I can carry on a conversation, my mindset is there again, and as Jules promised my breasts have not enlarged too much. My hair is growing back, my nails are not as brittle or breaking as often and my body looks great.
You know what! I see my Urologist annually and I asked him in my last visit when should I come back and see him about my prostate and he said “When your arm breaks”. He also went on to tell me that at 78 years old, I have a prostate of a 30-year-old, that’s how small my prostate is now. I did show my Urologist the documents on the Booster pills that Jules sent me and he was amazed how well the Booster pills are doing because this is the only supplement I am taking nothing else for my hormones. Yes, today, I continue to take the Booster pills to keep my over wellness and my prostate small and I’m fine with my breast enlargement.
Yes, I would recommend the Booster pills for anyone wanting to balance your hormones, have healthy estrogen and over wellness, and some breast enlargement.
I hope you find all of this helpful.
Thank you Transfemme and Jules for all your support and for the best product in the world that makes me feel like me again.
Rhonda – 2021 Update
When I was a little boy I always wanted to be a girl. I dressed up as a little girl wearing my mom’s bras. I longed to have breasts my entire adult life. I will try to make a long story short for all who are reading my testimonial. I am 60 plus years old now and back in 1995 I surfed the internet and found out there was breast creams and pills for male breast enlargement. I tried some but had no results. This was a joke. I thought I invented a suction (breast pump) with homemade funnels and hoses and to my surprise it gave me small bumps. So cool to have this but still did not get the breasts I wanted.
It was back in the late 1990s where I called Avalon Essentials and spoke with a lady named Jules and she helped me get started with the program. I did have a problem where my body temperature was too low and despite everything we tried I just could not get my body temperature up. I was having some results but I just was not satisfied with what progress I was having.
So, I decided to play around more with herbs and then I started to take Estrogen and T blockers and all this really did for me was gain weight and no breast enlargement to speak of. All the weight gain went to my belly area and I call my belly “My Estrogen Belly” LOL I wasted so much time and so much money on everything that I still didn’t get any progress.
Yes, the Bountiful Breast and Transfemme pills are a little costly but in the long run it would of save me so much money if I would have just stayed working with Jules and I would have reached my goal at sooner. Anyway, I have come back to Avalon Essentials and Jules, our program consultant has got me on the program that fits my needs and wants. Jules is real sweetheart and advised me with her own personal tips that really worked for me, granted progress is somewhat slow but that’s because of my low body temperature as I said before is always low, but now taking the supplements she recommended and the Booster pills. If I can say since taking the Booster pills progress has been much quicker and I am patiently waiting for my Booster pills to come in.
The Booster pills are in such high demand that they seem to always be out of it LOL. Things are finally starting to pick up and my breasts are getting larger. I have been doing the Transfemme program to increase my breast size and to feminize myself which has been a life time dream of mine and I truly feel The Transfemme Program is working great for me. I massage with the BB Cream in the morning and I massage my hips and buttocks with the Transfemme cream. In the evening I do the same. The next day I massage with the Transfemme cream on my breasts and I massage the BB cream on my hips and buttocks so I alternate days using the creams on my breasts which seems to really help especially with Jules massaging techniques.
Taking the BB pills, Transfemme pills, Booster pills and using the creams is really moving my progress along. I started out with no breast size and I now have a very full, round 42C cup and much more feminine areola. I am using the Transfemme cream on my testicles they are getting much smaller, my skin is so soft to touch and my emotions are changing and even experiencing hot sweats. If this is what you are looking for you better hang on for the ride because no products out there will give you instant results but with patience Transfemme can get where you want to be. Some people say it’s a trap. I guess you can say it is, but I would say not a trap, more like addictive. The more you do the program the more you want to keep on going and going. This will really make your feminization dreams come true because once you start feminizing the results are permanent!
I am so happy I am letting the feminine me out of my body and I feel so good about it. How long will I keep going? Not sure, hopefully my estrogen level takes over and I’ll have no control! Isn’t that what we all are dreaming for larger breasts and a more feminine body? Well this dream is coming true, even though a little late in life for me but I am really enjoying my changes. Having larger breasts has always been a dream of mine and I can’t believe it is finally coming true for me.
Thank you Jules for all of your help and thank you for the breast enlargement pills and creams. These are truly the best products out there and worth every penny spent. There is so much on the web and the Transfemme program and the Bountiful Breast enlargement pills have such a good feedback and a high reputation. No doubt, after all Bountiful Breast enlargement pills have been around a long time now way before all of these other breast enlargement companies out there and Jules has been along for the ride for years. Why not give Jules a call and make your dream come true just like I am!
Victoria M – 2019
Hello, My name is Victoria. Around 4 years ago, I started using Transfemme after wanting to feminize my body my entire life. It was something I truly did not feel was possible. But after doing some research and spending many nights wondering if this was right for me and talking with a couple friends. They decided for my birthday to buy me the pills I couldn’t shut up about. After taking the pills first day, I had no idea the almost complete transformation to womanhood that would change not only my body, but my mind and way I live on an everyday basis.
I followed all instructions as they were given, Also making sure to drink a couple protein shakes throughout the day as I knew it would help my now changing body. When starting the pills, I was so anxious to finally have an hourglass shape and full breasts, that many of the first changes being mental took me by a great surprise. The first month and a half was slow, I knew things were changing and they were speeding up by the day. By the end of the second month I could tell the path I was taking was more amazing than I could have ever imagined. At the end of the second month my skin was so much smoother and softer than it had ever been. Any acne I had on my body was gone. Simply running my hands up and down the soft skin on my arms and legs was always enough to bring the biggest smile to my face.
It was happening, I was becoming a woman.. And I started to feel like it. Softer skin, while being an amazing change in itself, paled in comparison to the biggest effect I had noticed. My mind. I had become such a more emotional driven person. Taking myself and others feelings into consideration had become much more important to me than it ever had been. I was crying more because things effected me on a much more personal level. I could relate to others easier and was able to share my thoughts and feeling on such a more intense level, and it was showing. Friends who had known me my whole life, suddenly felt I was acting more womanly than even themselves at times. I was still living as a man, but the woman on the inside was coming out and soon would be GROWING out of the somewhat androgynous body I had always had.
Fast forward to six months on transfemme and it was starting to become hard to hide the effects that were taking place all over my body. I had resorted to wearing baggier clothes to hide the new curves that were showing up. Knowing what was hiding under those clothes also started to get harder not to show off, Changes I had wanted and dreamt about my whole life were taking place and I couldnt yet show the world my progress. My face had changed at this point, My cheeks and lips both seemed fuller and my face more round overall. I had gained about 7 pounds since starting Transfemme and it seemed to have all went to the appropriate places. Getting called ma’am while out in public in “boy mode” started to happen more and more, A sign that perhaps my days as a man were slowing fading and the femininity I was feeling started to radiate on the outside even when I wasn’t trying. All because of Transfemme. It was at this point I took the plunge and decided to buy my first bra from Victoria Secret, I was measured at a 35B, that with the right push up bra created some fairly decent cleavage. But I wasn’t satisfied, I wanted to properly fill out that bra and knew in time I would.
At month six growth on my breasts had stalled, I remained the same 35B that i was happy with. But other parts of my body decided they want to speed up growth faster than I could’ve guessed. One morning while trying to put the same baggy pants on i usually wore I could no longer zip or button them properly. I used to need a belt to hold these pants up and now I could’t even button them. The reason why this was would soon show. I had kept up with how my body was changing but with so many changes happening so fast I couldn’t keep up with all of them. I had focused on my breasts whose growth seemed to stall I didn’t notice quite the lower body I had. After an awkward morning of trying to make pants fit that clearly didn’t match my body I had enough. I called a friend who was nice enough to go with me for my next big event. My first female pants and outfit.
Looking through all the female pants I could tell they seemed to match the wide hips and thighs I now had, With ample space for my new rear. While not knowing exactly what I was looking for, I grabbed a pair of jeans that were going to be a bit looser and she grabbed a tighter pair.She convinced me to try her choice on first and when I put those pants on, I instantly began to cry. They had fit perfectly, It felt as if they were designed exactly for my body and the best part is they came from the women section. I was getting there, My mind radiated with femininity, My body once androgenous now curvy and dare I say.. Sexy. Looking in a mirror for the first time in women jeans, I could not believe the slim waist that tapered to my now wide hips. Those wide hips that upon turning around showed the cutest booty that I almost refused to believe was mine. After trying those pants on, it all became real. I decided not to hide anymore, I kept the jeans on and we decided to complete the outfit. I had gotten a new push up bra that maintained the 35B I was measured at but after getting a new top that was a bit lowered cut, Here I was dressed completely as female out in public. Not only that, I was passing, Men were staring as we walked past, I felt confident, I felt sexy, I felt like a woman. It had only been almost seven months and my goal was in reach.
At the end of seven months my body has continued to take on an hourglass shape. But my breasts had still stalled at my 35B. I decided to send an email to Transfemme asking if I was to expect anymore growth in my breasts that would match the rest of the amazing growth I had across the rest of my body. They had mentioned taking a look at my diet, So it is at that point I refocused myself on my goal body, Ordered more transfemme and decided I was going to have the breasts I wanted, I just knew it would take more time. I started becoming serious about protein shakes and what I was putting into my body and it was showing. The 35B bra’s I almost filled out, After a couple months I was now spilling out of. At a year and 4 months I was a full C cup with the body I could have only dreamed of, And I was more happy than ever before. Sadly I ran into financial issues that led me to be unable to order more Transfemme. I was devastated and scared I would lose all the amazing results on had on their product. But upon reading the website. It mentioned most males after being on Transfemme for an extended period of time kept the female hormone levels they had. In some cases the body actually had another growth spurt. It would take awhile but that growth spurt would soon be coming my way.
It was almost at the one year and 8 month mark, I had been off Transfemme for almost 6 months but all my amazing results remained. My body was now on its own taking testosterone and converting it to estrogen. I still felt like a woman but started to wonder if things would revert back before Transfemme. I was still 2 more months away from starting Transfemme again, But I guess my body was ready for my changes. At one year and 9 months my chest became extremely sore. More So than ever before. It had always been a bit sore but knowing it was because my chest was about to develop breasts always seems to ease that. They began growing again, This time without actually being on Transfemme. I was shocked and amazed but fully accepting of my added fullness. By the time i started Transfemme again, I was on the cusp of being a D. something i refused to believe that little me could have such an ample bust-line. But after that first week of being on Transfemme, I had a rush come over my entire body my body finally got the pills It needed to continue the rest of the growth it wanted to accomplish.
At 2 and a half years I decided to get measured again, all my pretty C cup bra’s were tight, While getting measured my heart was racing, This was the moment I had waited two years to have. The moment where I had achieved the curvy body and bustline I had always wanted. I waited patiently as she measured me. I had told her coming in that she could make my day by telling me I needed new bra’s. She finished, Smiled at me and said” Hunny, I measure you at a 36D, time for new bra’s” I was ecstatic, I couldn’t help but cry in happiness knowing that a journey that started by researching Transfemme, Became into a complete transition to womanhood. I have now lived full time as a woman for almost three entire years. My body is in the best shape it ever has been. All because I took the Transfemme pills, followed the instructions and let my body develop. It took a long time, and I will admit I myself was impatient at times almost giving up. But if you give the pills proper time and take care of your body during. You will be amazing at the feminization of your entire body and mind that can occur. Transfemme changed my life, it took the unsure androgynous self I had been and blossomed my body into the beautiful woman I feel I am today. As you can see after being on the BB Program for almost 4 years I am so happy to say I have increased my breasts to a full C cup and my buttocks have rounded out and my waistline got smaller. You can see my before, during and now photo. I have since stopped the BB Program as I am happy where I am. Don’t be afraid. Transfemme works. It worked better than I ever could have imagined. Those pills changed my life, Let it change yours.
P.S. Make sure you check your body temperature that was part of my problem. Jules will help you with anything you need. Just don’t be afraid to ask!